Planning a gathering or program on The Land?

Autumn AppealFind important and useful documents and information here, in one place!

  • 2018 WWTLC Gathering Application (PDF)
    This is a PDF version of the application to assist in preparing answers to the questions in advance of submitting the 2018 Summer Gathering Application online.
  • The MORE the MERRIER!
    We want as many women and girls as possible to get to spend time doing what we do on The Land. That might mean attending workshops, acquiring skills, political organizing, playing games, relaxing, exploring nature, listening to or playing music, being creative or just being free to be you. WWTLC will assist GPs in identifying other GPs to combine gatherings and be on The Land at the same time with compatible gatherings. This can be done after an application is submitted but before signing of a contract. WWTLC is committed to supporting up to 300 women and girls at a time, and we would love to welcome the maximum number home to The Land each week of the season! At capacity, the per person charge could be as little as $50 per week!
  • The Summer 2018 Gathering Application link is where you submit your application, when you are ready. It is functional, not informational.
    Please review the above linked PDFs before you access the application link to submit your application. You will not be able to click through the pages without completing the application, as most questions require a response to advance. Check out the PDF files above for all the information you need!
  • Still have questions?
    If you read through the above PDF files and still have questions, we’re here to help! Send your questions to We will respond ASAP. We appreciate your interest and your patience!